Peurgon Values
Innovation for Horse Owners

We believe horse owners deserve innovative products to remove some of the worry and frustration that comes with managing horses. By developing modern products that are fit for the 21st century, we hope to make it quicker, easier and cheaper to care for horses. When using products that free up their time, effort and wallet, horse owners can spend more of those things on making memories with their horses.
Proud to Be a Kiwi Company

We are a New Zealand based company and here is where we’ll stay. The first BeauBin was born in New Zealand, and each BeauBin since has been born here too. Keeping the production of the BeauBin in New Zealand is our priority. That gives us more control over product quality, and we can support Kiwi manufacturers, Kiwi suppliers, and use Kiwi labour.
Our Customers Are Our Business

Our products are created to remove some of the frustration that goes with owning horses. If our products are not achieving that, then we would want to hear about those experiences. We value customer feedback. Whether good or bad, feedback is valuable for us to ensure that our products are providing value to our customers.
Environmental Focus